السبت، 18 يناير 2014

New Bands/Artists: 14 For 2014

Baby Pink
Baby Pink are a new band worth taking note of. Forming a little over six months ago; the Brummies' might be one of the first 'new wave' bands to form on the back of the B-town movement (think Swim Deep/Peace). Success does breed success, but the youngsters have crafted their own niche, which hopefully won't see them constantly being pigeon holed with the above.
Childhood are a band that have grown and grown in 2013. The band first came to many people's attention with frequent support slots with Palma Violets but as the year came to a close they released their mammoth new single 'Pinballs' and showed they are a band to be taken seriously
Circa Waves
Listening to Circa Waves takes your mind back to the early-noughties when The Strokes reigned supreme and the good ship of Albion was on-course to arcadia. Their no holds barred style of indie is kinda addictive. They may find a fair deal of mainstream success awaits them in 2014.
Coastal Cities
Coastal Cities are a young band with sharp haircuts and even sharper melodies. Wanna know what they sound like? Think 80s influenced pop; smashing head first into modern dayIndie-rock with dreamy consequences.
Hailing from Blackpool, Darlia take you back to a time when Cobain was still in his prime and the music landscape was laced in snarly grunge. The young three-piece recently released their debut EP 'knock knock' which reached national acclaim and is filled with all the raw energy and teenage-angst you'd expect to find in a bunch of confused kids growing up in a coastal town.
A little of trivia for you... New York based Drowners are named after a Suede's debut single, fronted by Welch born ex-male model, Matt Hill. But that is where the Suede comparisons end as the band specialise in lo-fi post-punk. They've spent 2013 recording their debut album. Supporting The Vaccines and receiving much love from Zane Lowe!
Leads based punks Eagulls have a real empathy for noise, they really do, and when we played their last single 'Trouble' for the first time late last year, it took a few listens to really begin to take it all in such is the rawness and lo-fi of their sound. All in all, they should cater for all your post punk needs.
More chilled out than its chemical counter-part and less likely to give you the old come-down, ECSTASY are a synth-led indie band from London. Gigs have been low on ground until recent times; but what the group do have are a cluster of brilliant tracks.
Each one I've listened to by them has been tweaked and manoeuvred to go in its own different direction, from 'White Limos' which is a dreamy synth-led pop song, filled with uplifting lyrics and a euphoric melody, to their recent track 'Teenage Coma' which though again synth-led has a harder slightly darker sound to anything they've put out before.
Such Hounds
Firing out of Brooklyn, NY, is Such Hounds; a band you shouldn't let pass you by... You could try many a word to describe them; but one thing they can't be accused of is being another 'rock-cliché'. They feel like the result of throwing Bob Dylan in with The Ramones back in the 70's... A-little messed up but brilliant.
The Wytches
The Wytches have got their Grungy Garage-Rock sound down to a (T). And are a band that need to be caught 'live' in a small cramped sweat-box to be really appreciated. They've spent 2013 playing extensively up and down the country; making a name for themselves along the way. They recently came off tour with Toronto punks Metz and showed they've got the material to hold their own on a bigger stage.
Fat White Family
Fat White Family have built quite a buzz around them over the past six months. With the NME quick to declare them as "probably the best band in London right now" no pressure on the lads from Peckham then!. If you think 'indie' and guitar music in general as gone stale over recent years, then the Fat White's may be one of the new breed to rekindle your enthusiasm a-little.
Superfood spent large parts of 2013 being hyped up by many a blogger and journo, but as the clock strikes 2014, it's now their time to show they have the substance to match that hype. With a plethora of impressive demos lying around we know they can, and all eyes will be on their debut LP when it drops later this year.
IYES are a band that have had us in the music industry scurrying around in excitement, since their debut single dropped late last year. We'd describe their sound as a mish-mosh of contemporary electronica and tribal percussion that'll get your pulse racing.
Wolf Alice
What more is there to be said about Wolf Alice? They've been a favourite of ours since we started IYJYM early last year. Their debut single 'Fluffy' kicked things off for them and since then they've done nothing but progress. Look out for their debut LP later this year.

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