الجمعة، 10 يناير 2014

Can Warts Spread? Many Warts Will Not Spread

Expert Author A. L. Jones
It's a fair question that many seek an answer for. This is a question people tend to ask after they realize that they have a wart on their body or they realize that one of their children or spouse has a wart. No one wants to have a wart, especially one that is visible to the rest of the world. Warts are often considered disgusting and gross, and they have a certain stigma attached to them. Children might wonder if you are a witch. Adults might think your hygiene skills are not very acceptable. That's why so many people want to know, can warts spread?
Can Warts Spread?
Yes, warts can spread. However, all warts spread differently. There is no one way that all warts are spread. Some are spread to other people by direct contact with that person. Others are spread by leaving behind a virus in a place where it thrives. Sometimes it's spread by sharing personal items with other people.
So, how can the world go on without spreading warts like the plague? It's fairly easy. For the most parts, many warts are not contagious from person to person contact and most warts are not anything to worry about in terms of your health. The one type of warts you really do need to worry about if you notice them is genital warts. These warts do spread easily from person to person sexual contact. If you or your partner suffer from genital warts, it's time to talk to your doctor about treatment methods and protecting yourselves from spreading the warts around. Genital warts are a danger to your health, which is why you absolutely must speak to your doctor.
Sharing the same personal items as someone else in your family can lead to the spread of germs. Many of the items found in your bathroom and home are hotbeds for the virus that causes warts, which is the HPV virus. While the one HPV virus to worry about is the one that causes genital warts, others of the more than 100 different types of HPV strands are not nearly as worrisome.
The kinds of HPV that cause warts on other parts of your body are spread a number of ways. You can spread them to other friends and family members by sharing the same razor or towel. You might not be able to spread them through person to person contact, but you can easily spread them by using the same razor to shave your legs as someone uses to shave their face. If one of you has a wart and you accidentally cut yourself, you might transfer the virus on to your razor. If your partner then uses the infected razor and cuts him or herself shaving, the virus will get into their bloodstream and cause warts to appear on whatever part of the body was cut while shaving.
Some warts are nearly impossible to spread through person to person contact. One such wart is the plantar wart. This is a wart that only appears on the bottom of your foot. It is nearly impossible to spread this virus to another person through direct contact. However, it is not impossible to spread in other manners.
If you have an open wound on your foot, you could be at risk for being infected by the strand of the HPV virus that causes plantar warts. This virus loves to live hot, wet places. For example, you're more likely to get this virus at a pool, shower, or gym than anywhere else. If someone in your family has a plantar wart, you won't get it from touching his or her foot, but you could get it from using the same shower with an open would on your foot as the virus probably thrives in your wet, warm bathroom.
Warts can also spread from one of your body parts to another based on your hygiene habits. For example, if you are a nail biter, you might be able to transfer your virus from your mouth to your fingers by biting your nails too short or causing your cuticles to bleed. It sounds gross, but it's something that can and does happen to people all over the country. Makes you think twice about your dirty little habits.
Spreading warts might sound really easy, but it's really not as common as you might think. Most people live their entire lives without ever experiencing an unsightly wart. If you or someone in your household does have a wart, however, don't hesitate to contact your doctor. Your doctor should be able to give you an idea of how you can easily treat your warts at home or at least ease your mind regarding the potential worries you have. Can warts spread? Yes they can.
Find more information about what causes a plantar wart at: Plantar Warts

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