الجمعة، 10 يناير 2014

Some Possible Causes of Foot Pain

When you have foot pain, it can be difficult to know what is going on down there. Since there are quite a few reasons for foot pain, finding the cause can be difficult, and requires narrowing it down based upon the location, and the type of pain it is. Here are some of the possible causes for pain in the feet.
The Shoes You're Wearing
The shoes that you wear can contribute significantly to foot pain. Shoes that are too tight either in length or width, can cause pain, and wearing heels especially can be a major reason for discomfort in the feet. Generally, heels and too-tight shoes will cause pain around the ball of the foot and by the bones that are being compressed by the shoe. Skin pinching can also occur. If shoes are tied too tight, bruising and pain at the top of the feet can occur.
Sprains, Strains and Fractures
Trauma to the feet can cause minor to serious injuries, ranging from ligament sprains and strains on the muscle to broken bones in the foot. A common injury is the ankle sprain, because of how much stress the ankle endures when someone lands incorrectly, falls or twists their leg in such a way as to cause damage.
A sprain is a twisting of the ligaments (the tissue that connects bones or cartilage) where the ankle is wrenched but not dislocated. Sprains often result in pain when you put weight on the foot, swelling around the ankle and sometimes discoloration, resulting from burst blood vessels below the skin. An ankle sprain will heal on its own, but should be treated with ice, elevation and an anti-inflammatory.
A muscle strain is the same basic injury, but it happens to a muscle rather than a ligament. A strain results from the muscle fibers being torn and stretched. Again, the normal course of treatment is ice, elevation, rest and an anti-inflammatory medication. Both strains and sprains may result in wrapping or splinting the affected area to limit movement.
A fracture is simply a break in one of the bones of the foot or ankle. Broken bones must be set by a physician and allowed to heal over time.
Diseases, Viruses, Fungal Infections
Diseases like diabetes, arthritis, gout and Hansen's Disease can be sources of foot pain. Diseases can cause all sorts of symptoms, depending upon the body system that they are affecting and can even include tingling, numbness and burning in the case of nerve disorders.
Warts are caused by virus called HPV and can cause build up of cells on the bottom of the foot that causes pain when walking. Warts are a common problem, but there are many different treatments for them.
Bacteria and Fungus can cause infections of the foot as well. A common foot ailment is Athlete's Foot, which is a fungus that can lead to irritation and itching of the skin, especially between the toes. There are many topical treatments for Athlete's Foot on the market.
Toenail Disorders and Fungus
Another cause of foot pain is toenails that have grown inward and are pressing against the skin. This is called ingrown toenail and is a painful condition that can be treated by a physician and with proper preventative care such as trimming. Toenail fungus can be one of the reasons that toenails grow inward, and are identified by yellow, brittle toenails. Toenail fungus may be treated with topical or oral medication.
Paula Austen writes many different kinds of Health articles and publishes them online. Barefoot Science is always a reliable point of reference for anyone who is interested in reading more about foot pain.

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